Category Archives: California

We Already Have Mutual Aid – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Michael D. Robbins

We Already Have Mutual Aid

The March 13 emergency response to the helicopter crash into Raytheon Building E-1 in El Segundo proves two significant points. First, it proves our existing Fire Department mutual aid system works exceptionally well. El Segundo Fire Chief Kevin Smith answered questions during a press conference attended by ABC, KTLA, and FOX television news, and myself.

Chief Smith stated that 70 firefighters responded to this incident, including mutual aid from the L.A. County Fire Department and all South Bay fire departments, including Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, and Torrance.

Second, the quick and effective emergency response by 70 firefighters proves that Measure P, the firefighter union’s initiative, is absolutely unnecessary because we already have effective mutual aid. It shows how deceptive the firefighters’ claims are. It debunks their fundamental ballot argument claim that Measure P will “put 72 firefighters on call” (including out-of-town stations). Interestingly, Chief Smith signed the ballot argument for Measure P … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Election Coverage, El Segundo Herald Letters, El Segundo News, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Letters to the Editor, Measure P - Firefighters Union Initiative | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on We Already Have Mutual Aid – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Michael D. Robbins

Helicopter crash into Raytheon Buillding E-1 in El Segundo on March 13, 2011 proves that El Segundo already has Mutual Aid and it works

The emergency response to the helicopter crash into Raytheon Building E-1 in El Segundo last Sunday proves two significant points. First, it proves El Segundo’s existing Fire Department mutual aid system works exceptionally well. El Segundo Fire Chief Kevin Smith answered questions during a press conference attended by ABC, KTLA, and FOX television news, and myself.

Chief Smith stated that 70 firefighters responded to this incident, including mutual aid from the L.A. County Fire Department and all South Bay fire departments, including Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, and Torrance (see photos at

Second, the quick and effective emergency response by 70 firefighters proves that Measure P, the firefighter union’s initiative, is absolutely unnecessary because we already have effective mutual aid. It shows how deceptive the firefighters’ claims are. It debunks their fundamental ballot argument claim that Measure P will “put 72 firefighters on call” (including out-of-town stations). Interestingly, Chief Smith signed the ballot argument for Measure P, along with the only (or one of two) firefighter union member who lives in El Segundo, and Councilman Don Brann, the most enthusiastic advocate of tax and fee increases on businesses and residents.

The other claims in their ballot argument are equally false. Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo Election Coverage, El Segundo News, Measure P - Firefighters Union Initiative | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Helicopter crash into Raytheon Buillding E-1 in El Segundo on March 13, 2011 proves that El Segundo already has Mutual Aid and it works

Firefighters Broke Their Promises – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Illeen Joscha

Firefighters Broke Their Promises

The firefighters convinced voters to sign their initiative petition by promising that signing it would not make it law, but would only get it on the ballot so the people could vote on it. The firefighters also promised their initiative would save tax money and preserve our fire department.

But once voters trusted the firefighters and signed their petition, the firefighters broke their promises. They tried to have their initiative become law without letting people vote on it. At the Feb. 15 City Council meeting, Bryan Partlow, a firefighters’ union member and representative, and Scott Houston, a former and likely future City Council candidate, read similar prepared statements. They demanded the City Council enact Measure P, the firefighters’ union initiative, as an ordinance without letting the people vote on it, citing the signatures as justification. … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Herald Letters, El Segundo News, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Firefighter Union Corruption, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Letters to the Editor, Measure P - Firefighters Union Initiative | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Firefighters Broke Their Promises – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Illeen Joscha

Council Votes Save Money and Lives – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Michael D. Robbins

Council Votes Save Money and Lives

I want to thank City Council members Bill Fisher, Suzanne Fuentes, and Carl Jacobson for voting on February 15 to put the firefighter union’s Punitive Initiative, Measure P, on the latest possible ballot – in April 2012. Their votes will save taxpayer money by avoiding an unnecessary special election, and much more tax money indirectly. But more importantly, their votes may save lives – especially the lives of our seniors.

The latest election date postpones the time residents will permanently lose their City-operated paramedic transport service, and be forced to use out-of-town ambulance companies with increased hospital transport times and fees, if enough voters are misled into approving the Punitive Initiative.

The union’s Punitive Initiative cuts emergency services to lock-in and pay for their wildly excessive and unsustainable employee salaries, benefits, and pensions. The latest election date can save $90 million over ten years in excess “special compensation” and pension contributions by giving the City Council more time to implement real and superior alternatives that save twice as much money without cutting our emergency services.

I was disheartened when, after I explained these facts, the firefighter union and Council candidate Scott Houston urged the Council to enact the initiative without any election … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Election Coverage, El Segundo Herald Letters, El Segundo News, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Firefighter Union Corruption, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Letters to the Editor, Measure P - Firefighters Union Initiative | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Council Votes Save Money and Lives – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Michael D. Robbins

Trash Tampering – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by J. R. Bob Siegel

Trash Tampering

I was very happy to see (via a complaining letter-to-the editor in the ES Herald) that the ESPD mounted a targeted offensive against the proliferation of CRV bottle thieves who have been prowling our streets, digging for recycle profits.

I am glad to read that the ESPD apparently made arrests in the case, because in the past the offenders have generally been ‘advised and released’, to leave with their stolen property.

Sadly, the writer of the letter seemed surprised that the arrests were made even though his neighbor would not have pressed charges. It should be made clear that a complaining witness/victim is not needed, as long as the officer sees the theft act. … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Herald Letters, El Segundo News, Letters to the Editor | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Trash Tampering – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by J. R. Bob Siegel

Ted Lieu’s campaign mailer featured 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements and 38 counterfeit badges

by Michael D. Robbins
Director, Public Safety Project,

February 15, 2011

El Segundo voters received a campaign mailer for Ted Lieu, a soft-on-crime, tax-and-spend leftist politician running for state senate in the extremely gerrymandered California Senate District 28 (CA SD 28). The campaign mailer featured 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements made to look like legitimate public safety endorsements, and 38 counterfeit badges which are actually government employee union logos.

Soft-on-crime, tax-and-spend politicians frequently use the cover of deceptive government employee union endorsements to masquerade as tough-on-crime, fiscally conservative politicians.

Front side of Ted Lieu’s campaign mailer featuring 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements and 38 counterfeit badges which are actually union logos.

Back side of Ted Lieu’s campaign mailer featuring 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements and 38 counterfeit badges which are actually union logos.

Ted Lieu, a California state legislator representing the extremely gerrymandered California Assembly District 53 (CA AD 53), ran for election in a special primary election to fill the vacancy created in CA SD 28 Senate District (CA 28th SD) by the death of Democrat State Senator Jenny Oropeza from Long Beach. … Continue reading

Posted in California, El Segundo, El Segundo News, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Firefighter Union Corruption, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Police Union Corruption | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Ted Lieu’s campaign mailer featured 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements and 38 counterfeit badges

Recycle Bin Sting – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Jim Dutchess

Recycle Bin Sting

The El Segundo Police Department is currently conducting an undercover sting operation targeting people who are getting recycle cans and bottles from the curbside bins. I was witness to an arrest made by two uniformed policemen in two undercover cars, with a third black & white vehicle and another officer to transport the man to jail. Why so many needed to cruise the streets? The man involved was removing about 40 cents worth of aluminum cans from my neighbor’s trash.

El Segundo is in the middle of a large deficit, causing city worker layoffs and furlough days. How much money is this undercover operation costing our city? … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Herald Letters, Letters to the Editor | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Recycle Bin Sting – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Jim Dutchess

Fix the City – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Marc Rener

Fix the City

Mayor Busch is so concerned about the current trash contract and the $123,000 that, he professes, “could” have been saved. Quit looking for spare change in the “city’s sofa cushions.” I would like to point out the fact that this mayor and others have continually skirted “other” serious costs to the city of El Segundo.

1) $197,000 a year: The parking structure (paid with 1.1 million taxpayers dollars), and a 34 year contract for parking places that still has over 25 years left to go. Reason? For a financial political payment to a politician.

2) Over 3 million dollars a year to the fire fighters union, not in wages, but special compensation, like the one that is continually paid year after year, even after retirement, just because at one time, in their past life, they received a diploma. Reason? Payment again for political support.

3) Over $225,000 a year, this is a “starting wage and benefits” for a person hired off the street as a director, who’s “qualifications” were to instruct the city to pay $80,000 dollars to hire a outside company to do a job “she” did not have time nor the “expertise” to do. … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Herald Letters, El Segundo Tax and Fee Increases, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Letters to the Editor | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Fix the City – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Marc Rener

“Free” Trash Collection – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by George Hoopes

“Free” Trash Collection

The Feb. 3 edition of the El Segundo Herald had a front-page article entitled “Free Trash (collection) to Continue…” Let’s get one thing straight! There is no such thing as free trash collection in El Segundo and your contributing writer, Brian Simon, fully knows that; so why does he use the front page of the newspaper to perpetuate his cockamamie lies by continuously repeating “free trash collection”?

It’s not free! It never has been free! It never will be free! El Segundo property owners pay and pay dearly-through ultra-high property taxes for this service. Thats one of the reasons we have property taxes. That’s why we pay property tax. … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Herald Letters, El Segundo Tax and Fee Increases, Letters to the Editor | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on “Free” Trash Collection – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by George Hoopes

Time for Real Compensation Reform – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Richard Arabian

Time for Real Compensation Reform

El Segundo voters have now soundly rejected both the Business Utility Tax Increase and Trash Fee Proposal, sending a strong and clear message to Council and unions-get our labor expenses permanently under control. Residents/ taxpayers expect and deserve public services, especially fire and police, to be provided at realistic costs, not those unions demand. We don’t support salary/benefit arrangements placing a number of employees in the top five percent income bracket nationwide, nor bloated staffing levels. We don’t wish to pay the employee share of CalPERS retirement contributions or “special pay” supplements, further spiking total compensation. Pandering to union agendas, for whatever reason, must stop now.

Strong economy or weak, budget surplus or deficit, competent management should never pay over market for labor. Why are we conspicuously above even the union-inflated salary and per capita staffing ranges of surrounding cities with which we compete? … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Herald Letters, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Letters to the Editor | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Time for Real Compensation Reform – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Richard Arabian