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Tuesday, September 14, 2021 is Recall Election Day in California.
Vote YES on the first question to RECALL GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM; and
Vote for LARRY ELDER on the second question to elect Larry Elder as governor if a majority of the votes counted voted Yes on the first question.
Vote-By-Mail ballots were mailed out to ALL registered voters, dead or alive, moved out of the state or not, legal or illegal. This was done to maximize the opportunity for election fraud and theft to keep Governor Gavin Newsom in office.
The election fraud can include stuffing the ballot box with fraudulent ballots voting NO on the RECALL and NO VOTE for the new governor, and destroying, discarding, or not counting ballots voting YES and LARRY ELDER.
You can vote by mail, but it is probably safer to vote in person at the election poll on or before September 14, 2021 to help ensure your vote gets counted.
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- Thank God America is NOT a Democracy!
- Recall Racist and Undemocratic Governor Newsom, Elect Larry Elder – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Michael D. Robbins
- America’s Founding Principles in 250 Words, Including the Title
- Former El Segundo City Councilman Mike Robbins Exposed Evidence of an El Segundo Unified School District Pay-For-Play Scam Involving Bond Measure ES
- Flyer Distributed throughout El Segundo exposing evidence of El Segundo Unified School District Pay-For-Play to Fund School Bond Ballot Measure ES Campaign
Recent Comments
- Why “Hate Crime” Laws are Immoral and Counter-Productive, by Michael D. Robbins | Public Safety Project™ on Hate Crime Law Supporters Weakened Our Criminal Justice System and Self-Defense Rights, by Michael D. Robbins
- El Segundo firefighter Michael Archambault arrested at Costco for allegedly shoplifting five products worth $354.95 (Booking Photo) | Public Safety Project™ on Could Firefighter’s Arrest be the Result of a Culture of Entitlement?
- Special Email – RE: Chevron Chamber Package – 1-4-2012.pdf – Adobe Acrobat Standard | Public Safety Project™ on Are Chevron’s Taxes Too High?
- Special Email – FW: Chevron Chamber Package – 1-4-2012.pdf – Adobe Acrobat Standard | Public Safety Project™ on Are Chevron’s Taxes Too High?
- Eye-Popping El Segundo 2009 City Employee Compensation Data Now Available | Public Safety Project on Eye-Popping El Segundo 2009 Firefighter Compensation Data
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Monthly Archives: September 2012
State Ballot Measures – Letter to The Beach Reporter by Michael D. Robbins
Please vote “yes” on Proposition 32 (bans direct union and corporate contributions to candidates) and “no” on Propositions 30 (income and sales tax hike), 34 (repeals death penalty), 36 (three-strikes dilution), 38 (income tax hike), and 40 (gerrymandered redistricting plan).
Proposition 32 helps prevent El Segundo and other South Bay and California cities from being pushed toward bankruptcy by city employee unions and corporations that buy influence with politicians who then pay them back with our tax money and raise our taxes and fees to pay for it. Typical payoffs are one million tax dollars for every thousand donated.
Corrupt and wildly overpaid firefighter and police unions are spending millions of dollars in deceptive campaign ads to defeat Proposition 32. These unions have been bankrupting our cities and jacking up our taxes and fees, so they can get total compensation of $150,000 to more than $300,000 per year, and retire at age 50 or 55, with a guaranteed pension paying up to 90 percent of their single highest year salary. … Continue reading
Stockton Syndrome Found – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Douglas Heitkamp
El Segundo like many other cities in California appears to have some of the symptoms of an affliction now common throughout California. It has been observed in Vallejo, San Jose, San Diego, San Bernardino County and Stockton. I will refer to this malady as the “Stockton Syndrome”. Some of its symptoms include the lack of a balanced budget, loss of revenue from sales and real-estate taxes, investment income and electric utility tax. Other symptoms include unexpected personnel costs. Annual budges that must also cope with ever increasing yearly growth in salaries, pension and medical costs is common. Moody’s has taken notice of this in their recent announcement to review the bond ratings of all California cities. … Continue reading
Voter Recommendation Summary for California’s November 6, 2012 General Election
Voter Recommendation Summary for California’s November 6, 2012 General Election
Last updated November 2, 2012 at 5:04 a.m. PT.
There are extremely good and extremely bad ballot measures for this election.
Here are recommendations for California statewide Propositions 30 – 40; Los Angeles County Measures A, B, and J; and El Camino Community College District Measure E, followed by a brief summary for selected ballot measures.
Check back before you vote for any updates.
Summary Information:
Please vote "YES" on Propositions 32 and 35, and "NO" on all others, including all tax and bond measures, all Los Angeles County measures (except neutral on L.A. County Measure B requiring condoms for adult movies), and El Camino Community College District Measure E. Taxes are unreasonably high. We’re forced to pay for wildly excessive and unsustainable government employee salaries, raises, benefits and pensions; massive welfare fraud (at least 25 percent, billions of dollars per year statewide); and K-12 education costs for illegal alien children who are not supposed to be in California (about 40 percent, $20 billion per year). Prop # Vote Type of Measure / Subject / Measure Web Site 30 NO Constitutional Amendment Income and Sales Tax Hikes (Jerry Brown) Tax hikes will only be used to pay for wildly excessive and unsustainable government employee union and manager salaries, benefits, and pensions that are bankrupting cities, counties, and the state. 31 NO Constitutional Amendment Two-Year Budget Cycle & Related Governance Changes (California Forward) 32 YES Statute Prohibits direct union and corporate contributions to political candidates, and prohibits automatic payroll deductions for political purposes (Paycheck Protection). Employees and other individuals can still make voluntary contributions to candidates of their choice. Necessary to help prevent city and county bankruptcies due to wildly excessive and unsustainable salaries, benefits, and pensions given in exchange for union campaign contributions. Government employee unions contributed 98% of the $43 million in campaign money to defeat it. 33 NO Statute Auto Insurance Price Setting: Driver Coverage History Proposition 33 repeals consumer protections provided by Proposition 103. It allows insurance companies to charge more for auto insurance if you let your policy lapse for any reason. 34 NO Statute Repeals Death Penalty in all cases, no matter how many victims, and even if murder prison guards or other prisoners while serving a life sentence for murder. Prevents saving money by using the threat of a death penalty to get murderers to plead guilty and avoid an expensive trial in return for a life sentence. Put on ballot by long-time death penalty opponents. 35 YES Statute Human Trafficking: "Californians for Sexual Exploitation Act" 36 NO Statute "Three Strikes" Dilution 37 NO Statute Genetically-Engineered Foods: Mandatory Labeling This is a Trial Lawyers Full-Time Employment Act. It is a scam designed to allow trial lawyers to extort money from farmers and grocers using shakedown lawsuits even when there are no injuries or damages. 38 NO Statute Income Tax Hike: Education (Molly Munger) Taxes are already excessive and tax hikes will chase more businesses, jobs, and taxpayers out of the state. 39 NO Statute Taxes on Multi-State Businesses: Single Sales Factor Taxes are already excessive and tax hikes will chase more businesses, jobs, and taxpayers out of the state. 40 NO Referendum Overturn Citizens Redistricting Commission State Senate Plan (A "NO" vote is a vote to overturn the gerrymandered redistricting plan.) Los Angeles County Ballot Measures: A NO Advisory Vote Advises changing the Los Angeles County Tax Assessor from an elected position to an appointed position not accountable to the voters and taxpayers. B NEUTRAL Ordinance Regulation of adult movie industry requiring condoms for adult movies, public health permit, proof of blood borne pathogen training course. Will likely chase adult movie industry to other counties. J NO Tax Increase Measure J is another 30-year sales tax hike after the previous 30-year sales tax hike approved as Measure R in 2010. It is dishonest and deceptive to ask for yet another 30-year sales tax increase in only two years. Measure 30 will also increase the sales tax if it passes. California will have the highest sales tax in the country, pressuring consumers to purchase over the internet from other states and countries, reducing sales tax revenues. El Camino Community College District Measure E: E NO Bond Measure Measure E is $350 million in new bond debt, probably costing about $700 million with interest. Bond measures create additional debt and require taxes to pay principle and interest. Bonds often cost double the amount borrowed with interest.
President / Vice President: Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan The economy, jobs, business climate, $16 trillion national debt, reduced national defense, and foreign policy all indicate it is time for a positive change in the White House. President Obama's presidency has been a re-run of a bad movie: Jimmy Carter's failed presidency with a failed economy, high unemployment, failed domestic policy, and failed foreign policy. Many people are calling President Obama's presidency "Jimmy Carter 2.0". President Obama's actions follow a clear pattern to:Be sure to see the movie, "2016: Obama's America". It is a documentary movie that clearly explains what makes Obama tick, and how his upbringing and mentors shaped his world view and his view of America's future as a downsized, less powerful, less influential, and less important player on the world stage of nations. For more information, also see: Obama's Record: Investor's Business Daily series of editorials
- Weaken and undermine America;
- Weaken, undermine, alienate, and antagonize longtime American allies; and
- Strengthen, help, and embolden America's enemies and competitors.
United States Senator: Elizabeth Emken Her opponent Dianne Feinstein is 79 years old and will be 85 at the end of her six-year term if she is elected. Feinstein is rabid enemy of the Constitution, Second Amendment, self-defense rights, and property rights. She also has been at the center of much corruption. Feinstein may be suffering from onset Alzheimer's Disease. She has refused to participate in any debates or public appearances with Elizabeth Emlkin.
United States Representative: Bill Bloomfield Bloomfield is a former Republican who ran as an independent. He is somewhat liberal, but not as extreme as his opponent, Henry Waxman. Waxman iis at best a socialist if not an outright Marxist. He is a self-described "progressive". Waxman does not respect individual liberty and property rights.
Detailed Information:
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Voter Recommendations for California’s November 6, 2012 General Election
Voter Recommendations for California’s November 6, 2012 General Election
Last updated November 2, 2012 at 5:04 a.m. PT.
There are extremely good and extremely bad ballot measures for this election.
Here are recommendations for California statewide Propositions 30 – 40; Los Angeles County Measures A, B, and J; and El Camino Community College District Measure E, followed by a brief summary for selected ballot measures.
Check back before you vote for any updates.
Summary Information:
Please vote "YES" on Propositions 32 and 35, and "NO" on all others, including all tax and bond measures, all Los Angeles County measures (except neutral on L.A. County Measure B requiring condoms for adult movies), and El Camino Community College District Measure E. Taxes are unreasonably high. We’re forced to pay for wildly excessive and unsustainable government employee salaries, raises, benefits and pensions; massive welfare fraud (at least 25 percent, billions of dollars per year statewide); and K-12 education costs for illegal alien children who are not supposed to be in California (about 40 percent, $20 billion per year). Prop # Vote Type of Measure / Subject / Measure Web Site 30 NO Constitutional Amendment Income and Sales Tax Hikes (Jerry Brown) Tax hikes will only be used to pay for wildly excessive and unsustainable government employee union and manager salaries, benefits, and pensions that are bankrupting cities, counties, and the state. 31 NO Constitutional Amendment Two-Year Budget Cycle & Related Governance Changes (California Forward) 32 YES Statute Prohibits direct union and corporate contributions to political candidates, and prohibits automatic payroll deductions for political purposes (Paycheck Protection). Employees and other individuals can still make voluntary contributions to candidates of their choice. Necessary to help prevent city and county bankruptcies due to wildly excessive and unsustainable salaries, benefits, and pensions given in exchange for union campaign contributions. Government employee unions contributed 98% of the $43 million in campaign money to defeat it. 33 NO Statute Auto Insurance Price Setting: Driver Coverage History Proposition 33 repeals consumer protections provided by Proposition 103. It allows insurance companies to charge more for auto insurance if you let your policy lapse for any reason. 34 NO Statute Repeals Death Penalty in all cases, no matter how many victims, and even if murder prison guards or other prisoners while serving a life sentence for murder. Prevents saving money by using the threat of a death penalty to get murderers to plead guilty and avoid an expensive trial in return for a life sentence. Put on ballot by long-time death penalty opponents. 35 YES Statute Human Trafficking: "Californians for Sexual Exploitation Act" 36 NO Statute "Three Strikes" Dilution 37 NO Statute Genetically-Engineered Foods: Mandatory Labeling This is a Trial Lawyers Full-Time Employment Act. It is a scam designed to allow trial lawyers to extort money from farmers and grocers using shakedown lawsuits even when there are no injuries or damages. 38 NO Statute Income Tax Hike: Education (Molly Munger) Taxes are already excessive and tax hikes will chase more businesses, jobs, and taxpayers out of the state. 39 NO Statute Taxes on Multi-State Businesses: Single Sales Factor Taxes are already excessive and tax hikes will chase more businesses, jobs, and taxpayers out of the state. 40 NO Referendum Overturn Citizens Redistricting Commission State Senate Plan (A "NO" vote is a vote to overturn the gerrymandered redistricting plan.) Los Angeles County Ballot Measures: A NO Advisory Vote Advises changing the Los Angeles County Tax Assessor from an elected position to an appointed position not accountable to the voters and taxpayers. B NEUTRAL Ordinance Regulation of adult movie industry requiring condoms for adult movies, public health permit, proof of blood borne pathogen training course. Will likely chase adult movie industry to other counties. J NO Tax Increase Measure J is another 30-year sales tax hike after the previous 30-year sales tax hike approved as Measure R in 2010. It is dishonest and deceptive to ask for yet another 30-year sales tax increase in only two years. Measure 30 will also increase the sales tax if it passes. California will have the highest sales tax in the country, pressuring consumers to purchase over the internet from other states and countries, reducing sales tax revenues. El Camino Community College District Measure E: E NO Bond Measure Measure E is $350 million in new bond debt, probably costing about $700 million with interest. Bond measures create additional debt and require taxes to pay principle and interest. Bonds often cost double the amount borrowed with interest.
President / Vice President: Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan The economy, jobs, business climate, $16 trillion national debt, reduced national defense, and foreign policy all indicate it is time for a positive change in the White House. President Obama's presidency has been a re-run of a bad movie: Jimmy Carter's failed presidency with a failed economy, high unemployment, failed domestic policy, and failed foreign policy. Many people are calling President Obama's presidency "Jimmy Carter 2.0". President Obama's actions follow a clear pattern to:Be sure to see the movie, "2016: Obama's America". It is a documentary movie that clearly explains what makes Obama tick, and how his upbringing and mentors shaped his world view and his view of America's future as a downsized, less powerful, less influential, and less important player on the world stage of nations. For more information, also see: Obama's Record: Investor's Business Daily series of editorials
- Weaken and undermine America;
- Weaken, undermine, alienate, and antagonize longtime American allies; and
- Strengthen, help, and embolden America's enemies and competitors.
United States Senator: Elizabeth Emken Her opponent Dianne Feinstein is 79 years old and will be 85 at the end of her six-year term if she is elected. Feinstein is rabid enemy of the Constitution, Second Amendment, self-defense rights, and property rights. She also has been at the center of much corruption. Feinstein may be suffering from onset Alzheimer's Disease. She has refused to participate in any debates or public appearances with Elizabeth Emlkin.
United States Representative: Bill Bloomfield Bloomfield is a former Republican who ran as an independent. He is somewhat liberal, but not as extreme as his opponent, Henry Waxman. Waxman iis at best a socialist if not an outright Marxist. He is a self-described "progressive". Waxman does not respect individual liberty and property rights.
Detailed Information:
Why “Hate Crime” Laws are Immoral and Counter-Productive, by Michael D. Robbins
Why “Hate Crime” Laws are Immoral and Counter-Productive
Hate crime law supporters weakened our criminal justice system and self-defense rights – and now they want to fix the system only for themselves.
By Michael D. Robbins, Director
Public Safety Project
P.O. Box 2193
El Segundo, CA 90245
Twitter: PSP_USA
YouTube: PublicSafetyProject
August 31, 2001
Revised September 4, 2001 and September 1, 2012.
Mr. Robbins is a Jew and the son of a survivor of pogroms (government sanctioned and sponsored torture and mass murder of Jews) in the former Communist Soviet Union.
This is the September 1, 2012 updated version of the article first posted on on August 31, 2001 as “Hate Crime Law Supporters Weakened Our Criminal Justice System and Self-Defense Rights”, and revised on September 4, 2001, at The original article and all revisions were written by Michael D. Robbins.
Public Safety Project – There are numerous problems with “hate crime” laws that increase the punishment for violent crimes, property crimes, and other crimes including intimidation primarily, if not only, where the victim is Black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, homosexual, or some other “minority” and the criminal expressed hatred as a motivation for the crime.
Although hatred based on race, ethnicity, religion, or legal but repulsive deviant sexual behavior is rude, vulgar, and despicable, in a free society, people have a right to be rude, vulgar, and despicable – as long as they are not violating the individual rights of other people, especially by directly harming them, their property, their business, or their reputation through slander or libel. The primary purpose of government in a free society is to protect individual rights and freedom, not to infringe on those rights and freedom.
Various compelling arguments have been made against hate crime laws, yet a significant and perhaps most compelling argument against hate crime laws has not been made except by this author, to the best of this author’s knowledge. This new argument is presented below as the first and primary argument against hate crime laws. Additional arguments follow.
Fixing Criminal Justice System Weaknesses Only for a Select Few
The most insidious aspect of hate crime laws is that they fix our weakened criminal justice system only for a select few and not for everyone across the board. Under hate crime laws, the government is discriminating and playing favorites based on race, ethnicity, gender, or homosexual or other deviant behavior (“sexual orientation”). Hate crime laws are promoted by activists in the most Leftist (“liberal” or “progressive”) soft-on-crime political factions that have consistently voted for Leftist soft-on-crime Democrats who have greatly weakened our criminal justice system and eroded our Natural Right as recognized by the Constitution to own and carry firearms for self-defense.
Multiple studies by Professor Gary Kleck have shown that defense with a firearm is significantly safer and more effective than any other method, including non-resistance. A firearm is a great equalizer, allowing violent crime victims to overcome criminal attackers who rely on physical strength superiority, numerical superiority, or both.
The Leftist political factions include Blacks, Jews, and homosexuals, who typically have 80 to 90 percent Democrat voter registration rates and vote as a block for Leftist Democrat politicians.
After weakening our criminal justice system and self-defense rights, thereby increasing violent crime and endangering everyone, Leftist politicians, political activists, and “community leaders” are now trying to fix the criminal justice system and increase criminal penalties only for their own benefit, when they and the groups they pander to become crime victims. They refuse to fix the criminal justice system for everyone across the board. Instead, they create special privileged classes in a patronage system where special privileges and protections are given in exchange for votes, campaign contributions, and other forms of campaign support.
Fix the Criminal Justice System for Everyone
If the penalties for violent crimes, property crimes, and intimidation are too lenient, then the penalties should be increased regardless of the race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual behavior (“orientation”) of the crime victim. This can be accomplished by electing conservative Republican legislators and through voter initiatives in states where voters have the right of initiative. We can make everyone safer by … Continue reading