Category Archives: Uncategorized

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Thank God America is NOT a Democracy!

Thank God America is NOT a Democracy! By Michael D. Robbins Thursday, June 27, 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Michael D. Robbins. All rights reserved. Thank God America is NOT a Democracy! America’s Founding Fathers created the greatest and freest … Continue reading

Posted in America's Founding Documents, America's Founding Principles, American Founding, California, Conservative, Declaration of Independence, Democrats, El Segundo, El Segundo Herald Letters, Elections, Individual Liberty, Leftist, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Progressive, Republicans, Right to Life, U.S. Constitution, Uncategorized, United States | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Thank God America is NOT a Democracy!

Former El Segundo City Councilman Mike Robbins Exposed Evidence of an El Segundo Unified School District Pay-For-Play Scam Involving Bond Measure ES

Former El Segundo, California City Councilman Mike Robbins authored, printed, and distributed citywide an information flyer documenting and exposing evidence of a pay-for-play scam by the El Segundo Unified School District (ESUSD). The scam, ESUSD Bond Measure ES, will jack … Continue reading

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Flyer Distributed throughout El Segundo exposing evidence of El Segundo Unified School District Pay-For-Play to Fund School Bond Ballot Measure ES Campaign

Former El Segundo City Councilman Mike Robbins distributed a flyer throughout the City of El Segundo, California to expose the evidence of pay-for-play to fund the campaign for El Segundo Unified School District (ESUSD) Bond Measure ES. ESUSD School Governing … Continue reading

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Election Flyer #1 Distributed Throughout El Segundo on Sunday, April 10, 2016

Election Flyer #1 was distributed throughout El Segundo on Sunday, April 10, 2016. Click HERE to download a PDF file containing Election Flyer #1. Election Flyers #2 and #3 were distributed throughout El Segundo on Monday, April 11, 2016. Click … Continue reading

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City of El Segundo 2014 Measure A Tax Hikes – City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis


by Michael D. Robbins
Director, Public Safety Project,

March 3, 2014

Here is a summary of Measure A, followed by the official City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis of Measure A. The summary includes information not provided by the Impartial Analysis, which required researching the El Segundo Municipal Code and making a Public Records Act request to the El Segundo City Clerk.

Measure A will appear on the City of El Segundo, California General Municipal Election ballot on Tuesday, April 8, 2014. It was put on the ballot by a vote of the City Council, primarily to pay for past and future excessive and unsustainable City employee raises and benefits and pension increases given by the City Council – especially for the firefighter and police “association” (union) members and their managers. Mayor Bill Fisher supported those raises and increases, and Councilwoman Suzanne Fuentes voted against them. City Council candidate Mike Dugan was not on the City Council and therefore did not vote for them, and given that he is fiscally conservative, it is likely he would have voted against them also.

Measure A is a massive permanent tax increase on residents and businesses. It will cost residents and businesses $6.6 million per year for the first three years. However, all the residents will pay the business tax increases that are passed on to them as customers.

Measure A does not have a sunset clause (expiration date) as two (Suzanne Fuentes and Carl Jacobson) of the five City Council members requested. Mayor Bill Fisher, Councilman David Atkinson, and Councilwoman Marie Fellhauer rejected their request to make all the new taxes and tax increases temporary for only a few years as needed.

Measure A creates four new 2.5% Utility Users Taxes (UUTs) on residents (Electricity, Water, Gas, and “Communications Services”), nearly doubles three existing existing Business UUTs (Electricity, Water, and Gas) to to 5.5%, more than doubles the existing Business “Communication Services” UUT to 4.5%, increases the Hotel Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT, or “bed tax”) by 25% to 10%, increases the existing Business License Tax (BLT) by reducing credits from Sales Tax generation, and creates a new 10% Parking Tax.

The “Communication Services” UUT is all-encompassing and will tax every charge on every one of your bills for every conceivable existing and future technology form of communication. Per El Segundo Municipal Code (E.S.M.C.) Section 3-7-1, the “Communication Services” UUT includes voice, data, audio, or any other information or signals, using any existing or future technology including land-line, DSL, cable, wireless, cellular, broadband, VoIP, and Internet.

The Measure A “Communication Services” UUT will tax your land-line telephone, cellular telephone, cable TV, satellite, paging, security alarm monitoring, and all other communication services. It will tax your internet access whether it is via DSL, cable TV, cellular phone network, or satellite. It will tax every charge on all of your “Communication Services” bills, including service charges, charges for extra services or features, and even late fees.

Measure A taxes solar energy if the residential or business electricity user does not actually own the solar panels on their roof, as with various solar panel lease and financing plans.

Measure A also taxes electricity co-generated by businesses and residents for their own use on their own property even though that is double-taxation. The UUT is already charged on the natural gas burned to generate the electricity, and the user is merely converting the chemical energy from one form to another before using it (to heat and then to electricity).



Measure A would adopt an ordinance entitled the “Consolidated Tax Measure” … Continue reading

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Don’t Support Measure E – Letter to The Beach Reporter by Marilyn Montenegro

As a longtime, knee-jerk supporter of education, the decision to oppose Measure E was not easy. In making my decision I considered the following:

El Camino College is unable to provide instruction to meet the needs of current students. There is not enough money to pay operating expenses … Continue reading

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Occupy Everywhere Gripes without Merit – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Arthur Christopher Schaper

There is a disparity of wealth in the United States. Such is the price of freedom. Therefore, one should not despair that the rich are getting richer, while the gap between rich and middle class, or middle class and poor, seems to be widening.

The real statistics to pay attention to are the number of individuals in different income brackets, and the mobility of individuals from one bracket to another. … Continue reading

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