Tag Archives: David Hadley

Support Hadley against extremist Muratsuchi – Letter to the Daily Breeze by Marianne Fong

Daily Breeze



In South Bay, support Hadley against extremist Muratsuchi: Letters

POSTED: 10/28/14, 3:12 PM PDT | 0 COMMENTS

Support Hadley against extremist Muratsuchi

Please vote for David Hadley in the 66th State Assembly District. His opponent, Al Muratsuchi, voted for the extremist Democrat agenda while pretending to be a moderate. For example, Muratsuchi voted for AB 1266, which requires schools to allow K-12 students to use the bathrooms, locker rooms and showers of the sex of their choice, regardless of their biological sex.

Muratsuchi’s campaign called my father’s home, claiming he is endorsed by the Redondo Beach, Torrance and Gardena police departments. That is false. Muratsuchi is endorsed by police, fire, and other government unions, which is a conflict of interest. They endorse candidates whose votes will give them the biggest pay and pension increases, and raise our taxes to pay for it. That’s why police and firefighter total compensation is $150,000 to more than $330,000 per year.

Muratsuchi’s campaign is attacking those who believe we are taxed enough already. Please disagree by voting for David Hadley.

Marianne Fong, El Segundo
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Posted in Beach Reporter Letters, California, Elections, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Firefighter Union Corruption, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Letters to the Editor, Police Union Corruption, Political Corruption, Politics, Union Corruption | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Support Hadley against extremist Muratsuchi – Letter to the Daily Breeze by Marianne Fong