Tag Archives: corruption

Taxpayers Getting Fleeced – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Mary Olinick

Taxpayers Getting Fleeced

I recently received a mailer for Ted Lieu, candidate for State Senate. On that flyer were 37 public employee union endorsements by local and state unions. There was not a single tax payer or government watchdog association. Why would anyone be foolish enough to think this man is running to represent the voters?

The flyer, in essence, is telling us that he doesn’t give a fig for us and that the unions will elect him, that they financed him and that he is beholden only to those unions. Does anyone wonder why such excessive salaries are paid to government workers? Why some public employees are retiring with multi-million dollar pensions? Are we dumb enough to believe that children’s education will not be cut while public employee pensions will remain unscathed? … Continue reading

Posted in El Segundo, El Segundo Election Coverage, El Segundo Herald Letters, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Firefighter Union Corruption, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Letters to the Editor, Police Union Corruption, Political Corruption, Union Corruption | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Taxpayers Getting Fleeced – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Mary Olinick

A History of Police and Firefighter Union Corruption in El Segundo

by Michael D. Robbins
Directory, Public Safety Project
El Segundo, California


April 13, 2004 El Segundo City Election


Union bosses and well-funded outside special interests are trying to take over small town El Segundo for at least the next four years

Former City Councilmember Mike Robbins fights against big city-style political machine in small town El Segundo

“El Segundo Fire and Police Union bosses unilaterally endorsed candidates with the worst public safety and spending records.”

“The $50,000 plus election campaign with many $1,000 to $6,000 contributions is highly unusual for small town El Segundo.

“Campaigns used to cost less than $5,000 and a lot of shoe leather. We are at risk of having all future Mayors and Councilmembers selected before the election by Union bosses and outside special interests. We may lose our Democratic elections.”

Michael D. Robbins, 4/9/2004
Founder, El Segundo Public Safety Project
Former El Segundo City Councilmember (1992-1996)

Read all about it and see more pages, documents, and images posted throughout the week!


Read Mike’s Flyer – It was distributed city-wide on Saturday, April 10, 2004 … Continue reading

Posted in California, El Segundo, El Segundo Election Coverage, El Segundo Tax and Fee Increases, Firefighter Union Corruption, Measure P - Firefighters Union Initiative, Police Union Corruption | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on A History of Police and Firefighter Union Corruption in El Segundo

Hate Crime Law Supporters Weakened Our Criminal Justice System and Self-Defense Rights, by Michael D. Robbins

Hate crime law supporters weakened our criminal justice system and self-defense rights

And now they want to fix the system only for themselves.

By Michael D. Robbins, Director
Public Safety Project
P.O. Box 2193
El Segundo, CA 90245

Twitter: PSP_USA
YouTube: PublicSafetyProject

August 31, 2001

Revised September 4, 2001

This older version is available here for historical purposes. This article was revised again on September 1, 2012.

It is recommended that you read the newer September 1, 2012 version of this article, which is available at:

Mr. Robbins is a Jew and the son of a survivor of pogroms (government sanctioned and sponsored torture and mass murder of Jews) in the former Communist Soviet Union.

This article was originally posted on FraudFactor.com on August 31, 2001 and revised on September 4, 2001 at http://www.FraudFactor.com/ff_first_draft_0006.html. The original article and all revisions were written by Michael D. Robbins.

September 1, 2001 – FraudFactor – There are numerous problems with “hate crime” laws that increase the punishment for crimes of violence and intimidation primarily if not only where the victim is black, hispanic, homosexual, Jewish, asian, or some other “minority” and the criminal expresses hatred as a motivation for the crime.

Although hatred based on race or religion is rude, vulgar, and despicable, in a free society, people have a right to be rude, vulgar, and despicable as long as they are not violating the individual rights of other people by physically hurting them or their property. The primary purpose of government in a free society is to protect individual rights and freedom, not to infringe on those rights and freedom.

Various compelling arguments have been made against hate crime laws, yet a significant and perhaps most compelling argument against hate crime laws has not been made except by this author, to the best of this author’s knowledge. This new argument is presented below as the first and primary argument against hate crime laws. Additional arguments follow.

Fixing Criminal Justice System Weaknesses Only for a Select Few

The most insidious aspect of hate crime laws is that they fix our weakened criminal justice system only for a select few and not for everyone across the board. Under hate crime laws, the government is discriminating and playing favorites based on race. Hate crime laws are promoted by activists in the most liberal soft-on-crime political factions that have consistently voted for liberal soft-on-crime Democrats who have greatly weakened our criminal justice system and eroded our right to own and carry firearms for self-defense.

Multiple studies by Professor Gary Kleck have shown that defense with a firearm is significantly safer and more effective than any other methods, including non-resistance. A firearm is a great equalizer, allowing violent crime victims to overcome criminal attackers who rely on physical strength superiority or numerical superiority.

The liberal political factions include blacks, Jews, and homosexuals, who typically have 80 to 90 percent Democrat voter registration rates.

After weakening our criminal justice system and right to self-defense, thereby increasing violent crime and endangering everyone, liberal politicians, political activists, and “community leaders” are now trying to fix the criminal justice system and increase criminal penalties only for their own benefit, when they and the groups they pander to become crime victims. They still refuse to fix the criminal justice system for everyone across the board.

Fix the Criminal Justice System for Everyone

If the penalties for crimes of violence and intimidation are too lenient, then the penalties should be increased regardless of the race or religion of the crime victim. This can be accomplished by electing conservative Republican legislators and through voter initiatives in states where voters have the right of initiative. We can make everyone safer by … Continue reading

Posted in Crime Control, Gun Control, RKBA, Self-Defense and Gun Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment