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Tuesday, September 14, 2021 is Recall Election Day in California.
Vote YES on the first question to RECALL GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM; and
Vote for LARRY ELDER on the second question to elect Larry Elder as governor if a majority of the votes counted voted Yes on the first question.
Vote-By-Mail ballots were mailed out to ALL registered voters, dead or alive, moved out of the state or not, legal or illegal. This was done to maximize the opportunity for election fraud and theft to keep Governor Gavin Newsom in office.
The election fraud can include stuffing the ballot box with fraudulent ballots voting NO on the RECALL and NO VOTE for the new governor, and destroying, discarding, or not counting ballots voting YES and LARRY ELDER.
You can vote by mail, but it is probably safer to vote in person at the election poll on or before September 14, 2021 to help ensure your vote gets counted.
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- Thank God America is NOT a Democracy!
- Recall Racist and Undemocratic Governor Newsom, Elect Larry Elder – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Michael D. Robbins
- America’s Founding Principles in 250 Words, Including the Title
- Former El Segundo City Councilman Mike Robbins Exposed Evidence of an El Segundo Unified School District Pay-For-Play Scam Involving Bond Measure ES
- Flyer Distributed throughout El Segundo exposing evidence of El Segundo Unified School District Pay-For-Play to Fund School Bond Ballot Measure ES Campaign
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- Why “Hate Crime” Laws are Immoral and Counter-Productive, by Michael D. Robbins | Public Safety Project™ on Hate Crime Law Supporters Weakened Our Criminal Justice System and Self-Defense Rights, by Michael D. Robbins
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- Special Email – RE: Chevron Chamber Package – 1-4-2012.pdf – Adobe Acrobat Standard | Public Safety Project™ on Are Chevron’s Taxes Too High?
- Special Email – FW: Chevron Chamber Package – 1-4-2012.pdf – Adobe Acrobat Standard | Public Safety Project™ on Are Chevron’s Taxes Too High?
- Eye-Popping El Segundo 2009 City Employee Compensation Data Now Available | Public Safety Project on Eye-Popping El Segundo 2009 Firefighter Compensation Data
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Daily Archives: March 22, 2012
Schools but not cities – Letter to the Beach Reporter by Edward Caprielian
Lack of visibility and public input during city employee union contract negotiations
Schools but not cities
Question: Are Manhattan Beach residents afforded public hearings on city employee labor negotiations such as those provided between the Manhattan Beach School District and its teachers?
Answer: Absolutely not! The Educational Employment Relations Act requires hearings by school districts to “enable the public to become informed” and provide the public “the opportunity to express itself” and to “know the positions of their elected representatives” before negotiations.
The Meyers-Milias Brown Act covering local government labor relations requires no such public hearing, but neither is there a prohibition. The Manhattan Beach City Council, true to its historic repressive policy of not informing the public and respecting our intelligence, prohibits such efforts.
Question: Has the Manhattan Beach City Council (MBCC) barricade produced fiscal responsibility?
Answer: Absolutely not! Present contracts are replete with fiscally irresponsible provisions including diminished management authority; requiring salary increases but prohibiting decreases; allowing “stealth bonuses” for “extra duties” without required qualifications; and deficient disciplinary procedures including employees receiving pay while being investigated for misconduct with no provisions for deducting income earned from outside employment while on administrative leave.
Because elected officials and managers receive pay and benefits equal to or more than employees, they too benefit from these deficiencies including personnel policies resulting in inadequate measures of managerial performance and “investment vehicles” resulting in accrued vacation and sick leave paid out at current salary rather than when accrued. … Continue reading
Responsibility to identify – Letter to the Beach Reporter by Karl W. Jacobs
Responsibility to identify
To all El Segundo voters: I am a long-time (25-plus years) resident and small business owner in El Segundo and I am sick and tired of the “nasties” that seem to crawl out of their holes at election time. In particular, I address those who hide behind the e-mails circulating from “omg.elsegundo.” I do believe in free speech, but, those who belittle persons with whom they disagree or have issues, justified or not, should at least be willing to identify themselves.
I have posted questions and responses to both our former city manager’s blog and to omg.elsegundo, without any replies from the writers of the unproven allegations on Chevron USA and the discrediting of a current city councilman running for re-election. Note that all of the candidates for City Council have stated their stands on the issues and have gone on the record. There was a very informative two-page article in the El Segundo Herald on March 15. … Continue reading
Padding the budget – Letter to the Beach Reporter by Ashleigh Teator
Padding the budget
Today I tried to take my dog to the dog park but it was closed. He had been very excited so I was going to throw the ball around with him in Dominguez Park next door since there was nobody around. Next thing I knew there was a police office there who was eager to write me a ticket.’He then called in animal control and two other police officers who proceeded to get in my face, harassing me and threatening to arrest me and impound my well-behaved miniature Schnauzer for being off-leash.
I now realize my dog technically should have been on his leash and will of course follow this rule in the future. However, I think we have too many officers with too little to do if such a small issue attracts that kind of attention. I think the city should realize that if it takes four officers to give a girl and her dog a superfluous ticket, they need to reconsider their budget for law enforcement. … Continue reading
Dirty politics – Letter to the Beach Reporter by Dianna K. Day
Dirty politics
Recently there have been some nasty reports by media outside El Segundo, presenting a one-sided view of supposed shady dealings by the city and Chevron. The purpose was to shock the audience, not present a thoughtful, balanced picture of questions about the company’s taxes.
What was shocking to me, as a lifelong resident of El Segundo and a Chevron employee, was the blatant misinformation, inaccurate statements wrongly presented as facts, and the lack of equal time given to those who didn’t share the anti-big-oil hysteria promoted by the reporters and producers.
It would have been nice to hear from the former mayors, community leaders and others who were troubled not by the idea of looking into Chevron’s tax history but by the rush to put a tax increase on the ballot without first fully investigating the facts. It would have been nice if the TV producers had interviewed those folks instead of an out-of-town political activist with no ties to our community.
Now there’s an unsigned ad in the El Segundo Herald encouraging voters to watch this biased, unbalanced “report,” which slams not only Chevron but a current City Council candidate, and then go to the polls. … Continue reading