Candidate Works Hard for the City – Letter to the El Segundo Herald by Carl Jacobson

The following letter to the editor was published in the El Segundo Herald newspaper ( on Thursday, March 15, 2012 in the Letters section on page 3. The El Segundo Herald has a strict 250-word limit, including the title.

Candidate Works Hard for the City

False accusations are flying. It is unfortunate during this important time that I am forced to maintain silence about critical city issues. Due to pending litigation involving a personnel issue, there are many things that I am unable to discuss. Though it would be beneficial to my campaign to talk about the specifics, my responsibility to our city comes before my personal desires.

What’s behind the 1994 Chevron Settlement Agreement? Refineries use or repurpose almost all the product that comes into their facilities, utilizing their waste products to create energy sources and other products. The taxation structure of a refinery is unique because it uses its own source product to generate electricity. This electricity is subject to the same UUT taxation rates that other businesses pay.

Is Chevron paying their fair share? I believe Chevron’s taxation needs to be reviewed. I’m happy that we have a subcommittee working with Chevron to reach a constructive solution. This is a complex task. It’s extremely difficult to compare refineries. Each city’s taxation structure varies. We have built strong relationships with our businesses and must ensure that we nurture those relationships with open communication.

I do not have special agendas and work hard to do what is best for the community. I have always been open and honest. I cannot say that everything I do is perfect, but I aim for perfection. I work hard and always have the best interests of our community foremost on my mind. I believe my record supports this.

Carl Jacobson

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