Daily Archives: February 15, 2011

Ted Lieu’s campaign mailer featured 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements and 38 counterfeit badges

by Michael D. Robbins
Director, Public Safety Project, PublicSafetyProject.org

February 15, 2011

El Segundo voters received a campaign mailer for Ted Lieu, a soft-on-crime, tax-and-spend leftist politician running for state senate in the extremely gerrymandered California Senate District 28 (CA SD 28). The campaign mailer featured 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements made to look like legitimate public safety endorsements, and 38 counterfeit badges which are actually government employee union logos.

Soft-on-crime, tax-and-spend politicians frequently use the cover of deceptive government employee union endorsements to masquerade as tough-on-crime, fiscally conservative politicians.

Front side of Ted Lieu’s campaign mailer featuring 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements and 38 counterfeit badges which are actually union logos.

Back side of Ted Lieu’s campaign mailer featuring 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements and 38 counterfeit badges which are actually union logos.

Ted Lieu, a California state legislator representing the extremely gerrymandered California Assembly District 53 (CA AD 53), ran for election in a special primary election to fill the vacancy created in CA SD 28 Senate District (CA 28th SD) by the death of Democrat State Senator Jenny Oropeza from Long Beach. … Continue reading

Posted in California, El Segundo, El Segundo News, Firefighter and Police Union Compensation and Pensions, Firefighter Union Corruption, Government Employee Compensation and Pensions, Police Union Corruption | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Ted Lieu’s campaign mailer featured 36 deceptive government employee union endorsements and 38 counterfeit badges