Daily Archives: August 4, 2005

UPDATE: Arab Islamic Terrorism in Israel, by Michael D. Robbins

Aerial photo of the World Trade Center collapsing after the 9-11-2001 Islamic Terrorist Attack in New York City: Israel suffered the equivalent of twenty-three September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Arab Islamic terrorist attacks in the 4.8 year period from September 27, 2000 to July 23, 2005, in terms of Arab Islamic terrorism deaths in Israel scaled up from Israel's Jewish population to the U.S. population. Photo source unknown.

Aerial photo of the World Trade Center
collapsing after the 9-11-2001
Islamic Terrorist Attack in New York City.
Photo source unknown.

Israel suffered the equivalent of twenty-three September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Arab Islamic terrorist attacks in the 4.8 year period from September 27, 2000 to July 23, 2005, in terms of Arab Islamic terrorism deaths in Israel scaled up from Israel’s Jewish population to the U.S. population.” – Michael D. Robbins, Director of the Public Safety Project

Arab Islamic Terrorism in Israel

Major Arab Islamic “Palestinian” terrorist attacks from September 27, 2000 to July 23, 2005

General Information and Statistics

by Michael D. Robbins

August 4, 2005

This analysis of Arab Islamic terrorism in Israel has been updated using more complete and current data from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), which indicates that 1,073 people have been murdered by Arab Islamic terrorism since September 2000.

Thus, Israel suffered the equivalent of twenty-three September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Arab Islamic terrorist attacks in the 4.8 year period from September 27, 2000 to July 23, 2005, in terms of Arab Islamic terrorism deaths in Israel scaled up from Israel’s Jewish population to the U.S. population.

The following data includes woundings but covers a shorter period. Between September 29, 2000 and April 1, 2005, Magen David Adom treated a total of 7,253 casualties as follows:
953 killed, 596 severely injured, 881 moderately and 4,823 lightly injured, among them 11 MDA staff members. (Israel Defense Forces casualties treated by IDF medical personnel are not included in these figures.)

Woundings include arms and legs blow off, blindings, and shrapnel wounds due to nails packed with the bombs to maximize the deaths and woundings.

Using these more recent figures, extrapolating the woundings based on the two figures for murders by multiplying by (1,073 / 953), and multiplying by 60 to scale by the ratio of U.S. population to Israel’s Jewish population, results in the following Arab Islamic terrorist murders and woundings in the U.S.: … Continue reading

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